Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Forced Prostitution: "Comfort Women" System:

Types: Forced Prostitution:

[Info] Banning, Jan, et al. Comfort Women / Troost Meisjes. Utrecht 2010.

[Info] Blackburn, Kevin. The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory. Singapore 2022.

[Info] Dantika Lavinia Zafarayana. »Militer dalam kejahatan perang terhadap Indonesia tahun 1942 - 1945 studi kasus: Perbudakan seksual wanita Indonesia.« Journal of International Relations 5 (2019): 235-243.

[Info] Khaliya, Meutia, et al. »Penggunaan Gedung Papak Sebagai Ianjo di Desa Geyer Grobogan, 1942-1945.« Fajar Historia: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah dan Pendidikan 6 (2022): 184-200.

[Info] Hartono, A. Budi, et al. Derita paksa perempuan: kisah jugun lanfu pada masa pendudukan Jepang, 1942-1945. Jakarta 1997.

[Info] Hartono, A. Budi, et al. Indoneshia j?gun ianfu no kiroku: genchi kara no mess?ji. Ky?to-shi 2001.

[Info] Horton, William B. »Comfort women.« The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War. Edited by Peter Post. Leiden 2010: 184-195.

[Info] McGregor, Katharine. »Emotions and activism for former so-called “comfort women” of the Japanese Occupation of the Netherlands East Indies.« Women's Studies International Forum 54 (2016): 67-78.

[Info] McGregor, Katharine. »Transnational and Japanese Activism on Behalf of Indonesian and Dutch Victims of Enforced Military Prostitution During World War II.« Asia-Pacific Journal 14 (2016).

[Info] McGregor, Katherine. »Mardiyem and Joint Japanese Indonesian Activism for Indonesian Survivors of the System of Enforced Japanese Military Prostitution during the Pacific War.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] McGregor, Katharine. »Japanese War Memory and Transnational Activism for Indonesian Survivors of Enforced Military Prostitution During World War Two.« Trajectories of Memory: Excavating the Past in Indonesia. Edited by Melani Budianta et al. Singapore 2023: 117-136.

[Info] Titiek Suliyati. »Jugun Ianfu: Derita perempuan dalam pusaran perang.« Kiryoku 2 (2018): 41-49.

[Info] Yamamoto, Mayumi. »Fences Inside the Fence: Postscript to the Semarang Comfort Women Incident.« Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies & International Convention of Asian Scholars. Homolulu 2011.